Favorite Baby Items- For 2-4 Months


Fun sounding/ rhyming books and lots of toys- We read all the time. Since my son was just a handful of weeks old, he started smiling at some of these fun books. He also has started playing with his toys like crazy. It’s so fun! I wrote about my favorite books and toys here!

A couple large quilts for tummy time!! Absolute necessities:)

Skip Hop Treetop Friends Activity Gym – This has quickly become a favorite! He loves laying on his back, talking to and grabbing at the toys. He loves to flip over, grab the different textures on the mat and look at the

Skip Hop Mirror – We got this separately but use it on the mat. Well loved!

Sakura Bloom Pure (Linen) Baby Sling – This is my new sling and I am absolutely IN LOVE with it. You may know how much we adore baby wearing and this sling has quickly become a new favorite. It’s cool for the hot summer and so comfortable. I have the color pool and it is just stunning. I get so happy whenever I get to wear it:)

Munchkin Nursery Projector and Sound System– This has been amazing for bedtime. It’s calming and is Bryan’s biggest cue that it’s time to sleep. We use the projector sometimes but I think as he gets older, we’ll use it more. It also has a soft, blue nightlight which is great for nighttime feedings.

Bottle Drying Rack – This is a MUST have. We use Dr. Brown’s bottles and have two sets of pump parts and small bottles that are drying too. We usually have 2 additional paper towels with things drying but if we didn’t have this rack, my entire counter top would literally be covered with bottle parts.

Tide To Go Pens– In my diaper bag ALWAYS. Perfect for little spills and food that falls on slings while babywearing.

OxiClean Spray– I have a super spitty baby. When I wash his clothes I douse the neck and shoulders (and anywhere else he spit up on!) with this. No stained clothes yet! (Knock on wood)

Bouncer– We borrowed this bouncer from my sister in law. We’re not big on containers but this lives in the bathroom and has been PERFECT to allow mama to shower.

Rain for Roots: Big Stories for Little Ones – This is a music compilation of Sandra McCracken and some other folksy women in her genre. It’s children’s music that I like to listen to too! Each song is based on a different bible character or story – David, Moses, etc – with the overarching theme that God is big and alive and loves you! Great lullaby music to calm down before bedtime or in the car.

Mamas & Papas Baby Snug – We got this instead of the bumbo because I felt like it was sturdier and I love that when your baby learns to sit, you can just take the inside out and it becomes a little chair! Bryan is such a mover that he doesn’t love this but it’s nice to put him in something for 5-10 minutes when I’m getting my lunch ready or going to the bathroom.

And of course some of our newborn favorites as well like Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets,

SwaddleMe – I upgraded to the larger sizes and used these from 2-4 months. He started busting out at about 4 months but he also seemed to need them less at that age, so it worked out.

Motorola Video Monitor – We now use our video monitor ALL the time since he’s sleeping in his crib. We absolutely love it and always brag on it!!

So there you have it.

Favorite Baby Items for 2-4 Months on Hoping in God

What are your favorites for this age?

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About jkl

Follower of Jesus, Pastor's Wife, Cookie Baker.
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